Animal Cruelty Hotline (813) 744-5550
Animal Services (813) 744-5660
Child Abuse (Emergency) (813) 224-9911
Child Neglect (800) 962-2873
Citizen Action Center (813) 272-5900
Code & Housing Enforcement (813) 274-6600
Consumer Protection Agency (813) 903-3430
Crisis Center 211
Elder Help Line (813) 273-3779
Hospitals (Nearest):
St. Joseph's Hospital (813) 870-4000
Tampa Community Hospital (813) 888-7060
Poison Control Center (800) 222-1222
Public Works Department (County) (813) 635-5400
Roadway Maintenance (County WSU) (813) 554-5006
Sewer Department (County) (813) 272-6680
(Emergency) (813) 744-5600
FDLE Sexual Predators (888) 226-1140
Sheriff (Main Office Dispatcher) (813) 247-8200
District III Office (813) 247-0330
Environmental Abuse (813) 247-8605
Marine Patrol Unit (813) 276-2608
Tampa Electric Company (813) 223-0800 or (813) 228-1111
Emergency Reporting (877) 588-1010
Malfunctioning Street Lights (813) 223-0800
Traffic Sign Repair (County) (813) 635-5400
Trash Pickup (Republic Waste Service) (813) 265-0292
Water Department (City - Emergency) (813) 274-7400
Water Resource Services (County) (813) 272-6680
Boat Ramp User Permits/Decals boatramp@baycrestpark.net
Application Form for Boat Ramp Permit https://tinyurl.com/bcboatrampform
Code Enforcement Investigator (D. Denemark) ddenemark@hillsboroughcounty.org
Dana Shores Civic Association dana-shores.com
Florida State Government myflorida.com
Hillsborough County Government (A-Z Index) hillsboroughcounty.org
Property Appraiser's Office hcpafl.org
Trash and recycling guidelines Hillsborough County Trash and Recycling
Sheriff's Department hcso.tampa.fl.us
Special Dependent Tax District baycrestpark@yahoo.com
Sweetwater Creek POA sweetwaterhomes.org
Tampa City Government tampagov.net
Tampa-Hillsborough Public Library ipac.hcplc.org
Town 'N Country Park Civic Association tnccivic.org
Twelve Oaks Civic Association twelveoaksonline.com
Weather Radar radar.weather.gov