Board and Trustees
Taxing District Trustees
In addition to the Association, Bay Crest Park has a Special Dependent Taxing District, which is a legal entity operating according to laws of Hillsborough County. The Taxing District annually accrues non-ad valorem tax revenues from Bay Crest Park residents according to measure determined by the levying authority via the Hillsborough County Tax Collector and is charged with using those funds for the betterment of the community. Operations must be conducted "in the sunshine" with full financial disclosure and audit by the County.
Individuals serve voluntarily as Taxing District Trustees. Operations of the Civic Association and the Taxing District are both dedicated to the betterment of the community. For more information about Taxing District operations, meetings and projects, contact any of the Trustees listed.
Please visit their website for more information: Bay Crest Park Special Dependent Tax District (mydistrictwebsite.com)
Civic Association Board
Our Association Bylaws dictate that our Executive Board should be comprised of four officers and seven directors. The officers include President, Vice President, Secretary, and Treasurer. All Officers and Directors serve voluntarily, without compensation.
To be considered for an Officer or Director position, candidates must be permanent residents and homeowners in Bay Crest Park, be a current member of the Association, evidenced by annual payment of dues at least three months prior to their nomination, and have attended at least one of the last two regular meetings of the Association prior to election.
Association elections are held in even years at the August general membership meeting. The term of all elected Officers and Directors shall be two years, commencing in the month of November. There are no term limitations.
Operations of the Officers, Board and Executive Committee are prescribed in detail by Association Bylaws.
Board of Directors
Norm Coffman, President (813) 885-5090
Luis Silva, Vice-President (813) 229-7600
Michael-Scot Lester, Treasurer (813) 884-9584
Rina Tabak, Secretary (727) 365-7329
John Housand
Casey Curtis
Tommy Frank
Mary Volpitta
Bay Crest Civic Association Board Meeting Minutes
August - No Meeting (Community Gathering Held)