Bay Crest Civic Association
The Bay Crest Park Civic Association is a volunteer organization. With the guidance of elected leaders and numerous resident volunteers, our primary goals are to preserve the peace and tranquility of our neighborhood and to protect our property values. We strive for a safe, welcoming and attractive community – one that resident’s treasure and that visitors admire. We hope that all who live here will do their part in preserving our neighborhood.
The Civic Association is led by a group of Officers and Directors, who are elected every two years. Currently, there are seven Board positions and four Officers: President, Vice-President, Secretary and Treasurer. All positions are voluntary and unpaid. Overall operations are regulated by a set of bylaws. These bylaws are available upon request.
Any resident is invited and encouraged to become a member of the Civic Association and participate in community activities. The annual dues donation is only $10 per year, plus any extra one cares to give.
The dues help contribute to:
Publication and mail distribution of our quarterly Newsletter.
Covering administrative costs for operation of the Association.
Payment of advertising and promotion costs for our two community-wide yard sales each year.
Payment for patriotic and holiday decorations at the entrances.
Maintenance of flagpoles and American and Bay Crest Park community flags flying at the entrances and the "mini park" at the end of Bay Crest Drive.
Plantings of flowers and shrubs at various locations to enhance community
Appearance (in cooperation with the Bay Crest Park Special Dependent Tax District).Payment for food and beverages at our quarterly general membership meetings.
Support of other worthwhile projects that benefit our community and residents. These include an annual Holiday Boat Parade, children's events celebrating Independence Day and Christmas, an annual Bay Crest Family Picnic, support of the Sheriff's Christmas Toy Drive and contribution to various charitable causes on behalf of our residents.
Donations may be mailed to the Bay Crest Park Civic Association at any time:
PO Box 261116, Tampa, FL 33685-1116
Please join us at any of the quarterly general membership meetings (February, May, August, and November) as announced in the Newsletter. All are welcome at these meetings, including owners, renters and visitors. Attendance at these meetings is a good way to become acquainted with others in your community and benefit from their knowledge of the area.